(08-21-2024, 11:11 PM)Mark A Becker Wrote: currency
when you say I love you
I value that
as purely transactional
a cold calculation
I no longer find currency
in your counterfeit idea
of family
Well! That was a bit depressing. In intensive critique (and looking at the revision only)...
Looking, first, at the title - that word "currency" does double duty both as medium of exchange and referring to a particular moment in time (now). Nice.
In S1, the discourse has its turnings/reversals: the first line could go anywhere, the second admits the speaker is using his own evaluation - not appealing to any universal system (though, again, it could go another way, "value" meaning appreciation or more mechanical weighing). Then the hammer falls in L3. Back, forth, down.
S2 underscores that it's option 2 (but also leaves, or should leave, in the back of the reader's mind that the speaker is really exposing his feelings, not necessarily reality).
S3 hammers home both the idea of change over time and cold mechanical evaluation carried forward from the title. L2 introduces the idea of a false (counterfeit) currency *in the speaker's view* and, finally, L3 drops the hammer again, harder by identifying the standard of value which is now discounted (by the speaker, accusing the "you" toward whom it's directed). The word "family" is excellent, containing all the potentially valuable and false, hypocritical and sincere possibilities.
On first reading, I followed along with the speaker as reliable witness, then noticed (on second reading) that he's not necessarily truthful - in fact, may be a false accuser. This equivocation is very fine.
My only substantive suggestion is to change "idea" to "conceit" in S3L2. Aside from the sound (which first suggested it) this emphasizes the way the speaker thinks of his "you" as conceited and believing in/purveying false ideals (or ideas).
There's a lot in there, and of course it's not certain if one or both of the implied characters is at fault. The forgone option is neither.
Very nice evocation of a situation that's not nice at all.