Are you in the right forum?
Folks, before you comment please check what forum the poem is posted in.  People generally choose where to place their poem depending on the kind of feedback they want and it's only fair to at least try to do what they're asking.  If there's a type of feedback you're not comfortable giving (e.g. serious critique might be too complex and time-consuming for you, or you just might not want to make a silly comment in the fun forum), it's probably best to just pick another poem in a different place.

Just as a reminder and general rule of thumb (there is leeway, obviously):

Novice:  This forum is for people just starting out, so there's no point getting all uppity about technical issues when there's a very good chance the writer won't have a clue what you're talking about.  It's probably best to pick one or two points so as not to overwhelm newcomers, but keep in mind that as this is still a forum for workshopping, a useless generic comment or remark about the writer instead of the poem will be removed.

Mild Critique:  Many of the poems posted here are fairly personal in nature and the writer is often not ready for them to be completely deconstructed as they might be elsewhere.  While you can up your game on the technical front and use terminology that writers should by this time be able to understand (or know how to find out about it), this is really not the place for a full line-by-line demolition.

Serious Workshopping:  Writers who post here expect that the poem will be read thoroughly and new insights provided by the critic -- that's more than just picking up on a grammatical error (please pick up grammatical errors as well, though -- they suck).  It is expected that writers will edit their work based on a review of comments, so it's pretty pointless to post in Serious if the comments are all one-liners or praise.  Remember, you don't have to make corrections in a critique; if you can't think of anything that needs changing, say what you like about it and maybe try to give feedback based on meaning or content analysis.  Anything is better than "wow, this is amazing, I can't critique it at all".  That's just a cop-out.

Miscellaneous:  Exactly what it says on the tin.  This is the forum for experimental works, cross-genre fusion, lyrics, short prose -- anything goes.  Generally speaking, though, unless you know that the writer is good with a complete deconstruction it's best not to assume that it will be welcome.  Many writers post poems here that they're not necessarily wanting to workshop, but still want feedback on (positive AND negative).

For Fun:  This is really not the forum for critique at all.  Just lighten up.  AMENDMENT (Cheers for the reminder, Dale):  Posters, if your poem is neither fun nor funny, post it somewhere else.  If you're not sure if your poem is funny, don't worry, someone will soon tell you.
It could be worse
ahh . . . after all this time it seems I was posting in the wrong forum. alas!
You were posting alas in the wrong forum? That sounds uncomfortable and I'm glad to have put an end to it.
It could be worse
Critics: Please read the guidelines for each forum and Leanne's opening post: lighter weight for Novice, the most you can give in Serious and Mild is somewhere in between.

Posters: Please remember that the workshop name is not a there as a comment on how we think of ourselves, but what level of critique we are interested in using. I know I am sometimes guilty of this, posting in Mild when I would love serious critiques only because I do not think of myself as a serious poet. I have seen some others do the same with Novice, then request more thorough critique.

If you are not sure if you have posted your piece in the appropriate forum feel free to PM a mod or admin for advice.

I think billy's idea for these divisions remains sound, is really not fair to new poster, as poet or critic, to confuse the line, it's nice to get what what you expect. Please consider this before posting.

Thanks for reading my mini-rant, I'll try harder if you will. Smile
billy wrote:welcome to the site. make it your own, wear it like a well loved slipper and wear it out. ella pleads:please click forum titles for posting guidelines, important threads. New poet? Try Poetic DevicesandWard's Tips


Please read the forum requirements and expectations before posting poems or critique in the workshops. The labels “Intensive, moderate, and basic” do not mean how strongly you feel about your poem or how good you think it is. These labels are about editing and only about editing. If you do not intend to edit your poem, do not post in Intensive. Likewise, if you comment in the Intensive forum, you must offer in-depth line by line critique of the poem.
The Soufflé isn’t the soufflé; the soufflé is the recipe. --Clara 

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